Prayer is truly a blessing in my life. I pray every day, but there are specific experiences when I can remember the prayers and answers clearly. These times strengthen me, because they demonstrated to me that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer my prayers. The answers were not immediate, but came shortly after the prayer, and I felt strengthened by the answers.
At times you may be in situations for which you can find no solution. You may be looking for a job, trying to solve a conflict with a family member or planning for the future. As you pray, it is important to take the time to find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. It is also important that you allow yourself time to pray and listen for an answer. We are counseled to try and find solutions, and then ask if the solution you have chosen is right, and so you should come prepared when you pray.
It is often too easy for me to rush through a hurried morning prayer, as I jump out of bed in a hurry to start the day. In the evening, I am often so tired that I do not take the time I should to pray. Even if I am not seeking guidance or blessings, it is important that I take the time to pray so that I can express my gratitude for the many blessings that I have in my life.
My daughter has recently begun to really pray on her own. She is five years old and has moved away from repeating the same words or phrases when she prays. It warms my heart to hear her express gratitude for the many blessings in her life. I am also touched to hear her ask for blessings, not just for herself, but for her friends and family as well. She is truly beginning to understand the proper way to pray.
It is important that we each make time to pray sincerely. This does take extra effort as you set aside time to pray without interruption each day. We can also carry a prayer with us in our hearts throughout the day. Alma counseled us to pray over our fields and our labors, and so we can pray over the things that we do each day. The Lord cares about us and our individual needs, He wants to hear us, bless us and guide us as we come to Him in prayer.
Related Articles:
General Conference: “Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer”
Family Home Evening: Personal Prayer