If you love animals, and you have more time than money, you might want to consider starting up a home business as a pet sitter. It’s not for everyone, especially not people who are afraid of or allergic to many types of animals, but pet sitting is a good way to earn money if it’s something you will enjoy.
Start by sitting for friends’ or neighbor’s pet so you can gather references. Put an ad in the paper offering your services. It’s best to get a post office box instead of giving out your home address. You may also want to get a cell phone instead of using your home phone for business.
When someone calls to inquire about your services, give them plenty of details and offer to come out and meet the client as well as his or her pet. It is important to see if you and the pet will be comfortable with each other. Ask if you can come at feeding time, so you can feed the pet. You don’t want to agree to sit for a dog that is going to be hostile or a cat or other pet that’s going to hide or refuse to eat when you are there.
When meeting someone for the first time, it’s wise to take another person with you, even if that person waits in the car during your interview. You may also want to bring someone else along the first time you go out to the home to care for the pet. Even though it’s a business arrangement, it pays to take care when dealing with people you don’t know.
Once you get a pet sitting job, and you are comfortable with all the arrangements, ask the pet owner for important information. Necessary information includes things like contact numbers, feeding times, appropriate snacks, any medications the pet may require, an emergency number for the vet, and any special instructions.
You can also find forms, contracts, vet releases, and other resources regarding the pet sitting business at the Pet Sitters site.