The title might seem deceiving… this post does not discuss embellishments that you can add on to your photos; rather I wanted to provide additional information on topics I blogged about in previous articles.
Here’s more info on:
When I mentioned that I sort photos chronologically and separate them per event or occasion I failed to mention that I flag some with Post It notes. Doing so reminds me that a certain picture is frame worthy or scrapbook worthy. However, I should note that you should never adhere Post It notes to the front of your pictures. Always place them on the back of your photos so as to not damage the image.
When you are sorting photos take a few extra minutes to place your negatives in a safer environment too. Archival negative sleeves are readily available at discount stores and photo shops. I use the standard 35 mm film negative sleeves, which fit nicely in a 3-ring binder. You want to store your negatives in the binder in a dark cool place (preferably somewhere that the temperature doesn’t get warmer than 60 degrees or colder than 40 degrees). Doing so will help preserve your negatives longer. Some people store their negatives in a safety deposit box at the bank. If you have negatives that you can’t live without it is a good idea to store them somewhere other than your home in case a fire or other natural catastrophe strikes.
In my previous blog I mentioned that I ordered a standard photo mosaic, but I didn’t go over prices. The company I am working with charges between $20 and $50 for photo mosaics that range in size from 8 by 10 to 10 by 30.
Also, it is possible to create black and white photo mosaics. If you are ordering a black and white photo mosaic you will need to convert all of your color photos to black and white, or you can simply ask the company to do so themselves. In most cases there won’t be an added charge for this service.
Related Articles:
Photo Cards for Easter and Mother’s Day
Photography Potpourri: Photo Labels and Photo Gear
Showing Off the “Lights of Your Life”
Making Christmas Ornaments From Your Favorite Photographs
Fun Photo Project: Photo Flowers
Travel Tips: Keeping the Memories Alive
Fun Photo Projects—Thank You Cards
Creating A Fabulous Photo Wall