Photography is definitely one of my passions and I am continually striving to be better with each picture I take. I grew up in a world where photography was an everyday part of my life. My mother was a professional photographer for many years, and a hobbiest for the rest and really still is. We had a dark room in our basement which extremely often, my mother could be found in.
I learned about chemicals and processing. I learned about various films, what they were and how they would help take different styles of photographs. I learned about different styles of camera’s, different lenses and what they did, and how you could add filters to get desired effects. I learned about composition, color, lighting and shadows. It was all an extremely invigorating process for me. It helped make me the photographer that I am today. I still love my Nikon 35mm film camera.
Bounce forward fifteen years, and now we are in a whole new world of photography. Digital photography has taken off, camera’s are different and it is getting harder and harder to find film cameras. Then there is all the software and a completely different developing process, there are different filters for different camera’s and they don’t all do exactly the same thing. Automatic camera’s are more standard now, and people allow the camera to adjust everything to get that perfect shot. It was all new territory to me a few years ago.
However, it wasn’t for long. As soon as I saw how much digital photography was going to take off, I immediately got my first digital camera. It wasn’t very adjustable, and I couldn’t add or remove lenses, and to purchase a digital camera that did that, was over a $1000. Thank goodness, now it is different.
My personal goals for the photography blog are many. I plan to teach new techniques and I’d like to perfect old techniques. I’d like to teach photography software basics as well as more advanced usage of these amazing programs. I’d like to show you how to get the desired outcome in your photographs, and I’d like to work on composition.
I am also the scrapbooking blogger, so I also plan to tie in my passion for scrapbooking with my love of photography. After all, without the gorgeous photographs, what kind of a scrapbook would I have?
I’d also like to learn from all of you. I’d like to know what you would like to see, what types of camera’s you might want to know more about. Perhaps you might be interested in a new camera purchase and need a comparison of camera’s. Maybe you are unsure what certain features of your camera are for, and you cannot find the manual. Allow me to help. You can send me a private message or you can leave a comment in the comment field below. However you contact me, I’d love to know your personal needs.
I am excited to enter the complex world of photography with you.