The photography blog is busier than its been in quite awhile, as Michele and I excitedly fill it up with some new content and articles to help you out. Whether you are shooting digital or film, there is something for everyone. So what has been going on this week?
Snapshot Of A New Photography Blogger
Your house is on fire! Besides your family members (pets included), what’s the one item you would try to save on the way out? My answer: My photo album. Okay, albums-as many as possible.
Photography Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007
Photography allows the capture of memories, the ability to freeze a moment in time and preserve it on a piece of paper for years to come.
Monday Photo Challenge – Amateur Food Photography
I have decided to post a challenge each Monday that you can do, or you can not do. My hopes in the photo challenges are to get you thinking outside the box, and taking more pictures. I want to you to try out new angles, lighting techniques and more.
Now that you know that I take about 150 pictures a month it’s time to run down the equipment I use to capture my “Kodak” moments. I have about three cameras that I use regularly.
Tips and Techniques for Photographing Your Cat
Cats are finicky, they also love to move. Getting pictures is hard because of their independent nature. Here are a few quick tips on helping you take some pictures of your cat.
Taking Better Photographs of Your Cat (1)
Taking great photographs of your cat, or any pet is a difficult task. Pets are always moving and when they aren’t moving, they are usually sleeping. Who wants fifty photographs that are blurry or consist of a sleeping pet. A cat is a particular challenge, because many are extremely independent.
Cameras: Knowing When To Upgrade
When you have your first child? When your kids start playing sports? When you hobby requires it? When do you know when it is time to trade in your current camera for one that has more bells and whistles? The answer: When you become consistently displeased with your pictures.
Taking Better Photographs of Your Cat (2)
Getting that perfect picture of your cat is hard, since cats tend to be independent little creatures, that only cooperate when it suits them. Not that we don’t totally love them for it, but it sure is hard when you want that great photograph.
What To Do With All Those (Digital) Vacation Photos
Just because I prefer to shoot on film doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally take digital pictures. For all of you readers who have digital cameras and have been feeling left out of my previous blogs—this one is for you.
Taking Better Pictures of Your Cat (3)
We’ve discussed three tips already that will help with better photographs of your cat, but there are still a few more to talk about. Cats are harder than other animals to photograph, only because of their independent nature, and the fact that they tend to not enjoy cooperating much.
I am fairly new to the video camera market. Which is not to say that I am a novice when it comes to shooting video. I spent more than a decade as a television news reporter and was trained to shoot my own stories during my early years on the job.
Join us next week as we give you more great articles, tips and tricks on using your camera, taking better photographs and having a little fun.