If you were too busy recovering from your New Year’s celebration to get your daily dose of the Photography Blog now is your chance to catch up. This week I completed my series on eBay photography. Have you ever tried selling your stuff on eBay? If you have then you know the key to selling your Internet auction items for as much as possible is to display your products in the best light. This week’s blogs provided tips on how to do just that. I also spent some time covering action and adventure photography. Just because it’s bone-chilling cold in most parts of the world right now doesn’t mean you should leave your cameras indoors when you head outdoors for some winter fun. Tips for securing frameworthy pics in the great outdoors and much more are covered in this installment of the Week in Review.
December 31st—–Tips for Taking Great eBay Photos–FOCUS. How many times have you seen fuzzy pictures on eBay? I’m sure the blurred shots didn’t prompt you to place a bid on the item, especially if you had a hard time making out the details. This blog provides tips on keeping your items in focus and the bids rolling in.
January 1st— Tips for Taking Great eBay Photos–Lighting. No one is going buy your goods on eBay if they can’t see them properly. Lighting your item properly will go a long way to create interest in your auction item. Consider reviewing these lighting tips before you snap your next eBay photo.
January 2nd—–Taking Your Camera Outdoors During the Winter. I will be the first to admit that most of the photos I take during the winter months are inside shots. However, in the last couple of years, I’ve discovered blaming Mother Nature is no excuse for missing frameworthy shots of my daughter sledding down a hill or making a snow angel in the front yard. So in 2008 I am resolving to get out more… and take my camera with me. In this blog I provide tips on how to make the most of your outdoor shoots… in the winter.
January 3rd—–Extreme Shooting. How often do you incorporate action and adventure in your daily or monthly photo shoots? When you’re out in nature you will inevitably come across situations that requires special strategy for shooting. Obviously, safety should be your first priority, but it doesn’t hurt to have fun while you are capturing frameworthy shots. This blog discusses ways to stay safe while you are documenting your family’s wild adventures.
January 4th—–Taking Your Camera on a Boat. Camera protection is critical in shooting water sports. Fresh water is bad enough, but when salt water infiltrates your camera you are looking at potentially devastating damage. Which is not to say you should simply leave your camera at home when someone offers to take you surfing, rafting, kayaking or paddle boating. The key is being prepared. Learn how in this blog.
January 5th—Should You Invest in an “All-In-One” Photo Printer? It’s a question I have been grappling with for a while. I’ve been looking for a printer that can do double duty for my photo projects and writing jobs. In doing so I’ve noticed a few interesting trends that may help you answer the question of whether you should stick with a single function printer or invest in a multifunction one.
January 5th—–Alternatives to Tripods–Image-Stabilizing Equipment. I’m a huge advocate of tripods, but recently I have become fascinated with alternative image-stabilizing equipment. If you have ever dreamed of ditching your hefty tripod, but were afraid of the shaky results, you aren’t alone. This blog focus on alternatives to the traditional three-legged device.