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Pick the Healthiest Water

I’m a fan of flavored water. What can I say? I like drinks with flavor. Plain old water is okay once in a while, but I’m far more likely to get my eight glasses a day if they actually taste like something.

But not all flavored waters are created equal. Here are some tips to help you pick the best water — and stay away from the stuff that isn’t as good for you.

  1. Watch the sweeteners. Check the label for sugars, whether natural or artificial. Sweeteners play a big role in calorie count — and how many calories do you really want to spend on water?
  2. Watch the flavors, colors, and preservatives. Water is supposed to be natural and healthy; loading yourself up with artificial junk is definitely not either one! If the ingredients are things you don’t recognize, move on to the next flavored water.
  3. Be suspicious of health claims — especially with waters that claim to boost energy. They could be loaded with caffeine you aren’t expecting. Do a little research if you’re looking for a water to help you with a particular thing like mood, metabolism, or energy level.
  4. Count all your vitamins and minerals. If you already take a daily multivitamin, don’t overdose yourself with vitamin and mineral laden water. Overdoing it on vitamins and minerals can be detrimental to your system.

Want to steer clear of commercially prepared flavored waters? You can make your own healthy flavored water at home and know EXACTLY what’s inside. Try adding a wedge of your favorite citrus fruit to a bottle of water, or cool your drinks with cubes made from frozen pureed fruit. Experiment with your favorite dried spices, or add fresh herbs like ginger, mint, or lemongrass. I like to add a few drops of lemon juice to my bottled water — it gives a hint of flavor that makes plain water a lot more appealing.