This is a fun game to play at either a pre-teen, early teen or adult party. It’s got a lot of the same elements as the popular “mad-libs” but allows for a bit more random creativity.
Number of players: 4+
Age level: 10+
Materials needed: regular sized paper, small pads of paper, or post it notes.
To begin, give one player a sheet of regular sized paper, and the others a post it note. The player who has the regular sized paper must draw a picture of an object, animal, person, landscape or whatever they like, but they only have three minutes to draw it.
After three minutes, the “artist” takes a piece of note paper, and after writing a number one in the corner, writes a title for the picture, without showing it to the other players. The other players, in turn, write a title based on what they think the picture represents, without showing the other players. This is repeated until each player has written a title for the picture.
Starting with the artist’s title, stick the other titles beneath the picture, and read the titles out loud. This can then be posted as an artwork for future examination. After a few rounds, all the players vote on the best artist, who then can receive a decoration prepared by all the other players, which can be fun in itself.
Another variation of this is for the artist to proceed with the drawing as above, and give the drawing a title not seen by the others. The first player can then write one sentence of a paragraph, which he then passes to the next player who writes another sentence based on the previous one. The third player, however, should only see the last sentence written.
At the end, the product should be a hilariously written and illustrated paragraph or story.