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Pictures on a Budget

It seems like every time I turn around Logan has grown up a little bit more! There is a reason they say don’t blink! I want to be able to catch every moment. For years now I have been wanting to get Logan’s pictures done again. The last time was when he was two months old. Has it really been three and a half years already? Every time I start thinking about getting his pictures done I am reminded just how expensive they are. There’s always that nasty sitting fee and prints cost an arm and a leg. As a single mom it just isn’t possible for me right now. The money just isn’t there.

Of course we take pictures here and there whenever he’s doing something silly, but they’re just not the same. The thought was rather depressing to me, but money doesn’t grow on trees. The other day my cousin was facing the same dilemma. She wanted to have pictures done of her girls in their Halloween costumes, but money was just too tight. So she took matters into her own hands! She grabbed some old black sheets to use as a backdrop and bought some white cotton for spider webs at the dollar store. She took the pictures in her own home and then just edited them on her computer when she was finished. It cost her next to nothing and no one would be able to tell that these pictures weren’t done in a studio. They turned out spectacular and she didn’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get them!

Get creative! What kind of props do you have lying around the house that you could use in your photos? Your kids will feel more comfortable in your own home and you may be more likely to get smiles out of them there than in an actual studio anyways! What a great idea to capture these memories with your kids! You will love looking back and remembering how small they once were. Do it now, because next thing you know you will turn around and they’ll be all grown up. I’m definitely going to be doing some pictures of Logan, but in the meantime, I think I’ll just quit blinking!

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.