If you have youth, you may want to start thinking about registering them for a summer camp through BYU. There are many options available to you, including EFY, sports camps and camps about the performing arts. It is a great opportunity to give your children. They will look back on the time with good memories. The EFY camps (the most popular option) are available throughout the United States, and there are several that take place each week. Registration does fill up fast, so you need to go ahead and do it now.
If you are looking for an experience that involves the whole family you may want to consider the Aspen Grove experience. This is a camp for the entire family. They offer arts and crafts, swimming and other traditional camp activities. It is a great chance for you to relax together as family.
You may also consider bringing your teenagers with you when you attend Education Week at BYU in August. Education Week offers special classes for the youth, as well as dances at night for the youth to attend. This may be the perfect way to spend some extra time with your teenagers, while allowing you to each strengthen your testimonies.
Of course you may opt for some family bonding time with the traditional summer vacation. Just be sure to plan in some time when you can hang out as a family and really get to know each other. A vacation can be too taxing if you are struggling to see all of the sites.
Now is a great time to begin planning out your summer and activities, you should include your children in the process and may want to talk it over at your next family council meeting. In fact you could set some goals as a family in order to earn that special vacation. You can also encourage your children to help save up a portion of the costs for all of their summer activities. This will help the event to mean more to them.
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