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Plan Your Garden

I remember hearing as a child the importance of having a garden. Spencer W. Kimball encouraged every family to have a garden for several reasons. A garden is great opportunity to save money and become more self-reliant. A garden also gives you the opportunity to work together as a family.

This is the perfect time of the year to begin to plan your garden. While it is too cold to plant outside, you can still be doing things to prepare for your garden. You may consider the vegetables you want to grow. If you live in an apartment or have limited space, you can still garden, you may need to spend time researching container gardening right now. You may also consider renting a plot of land to garden. Many larger cities have co-ops where you can do this.

Additionally you may need to set aside money so that you can purchase your gardening supplies at the right time. You may also want to include your family in the gardening process. This will help your children learn to plan, plant and care for a garden. Giving your children the opportunity to build a sense of ownership is also very important.

Although gardening is a lot of work, it helps you in many ways. The fruits and vegetables that you grow will nourish your body. The hard work and discipline you will teach your children will strengthen their characters. The time you spend together weeding will turn to time that you are talking about the concerns that they may be having.

Some years your garden may yield a lot, others it may not yield as much. Either way you will be blessed in many ways by following the counsel of the prophet. The garden can be compared to your testimony in so many ways. How has having a garden blessed your life?

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