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Planning For Emergencies: Grab-And-Go Bag

If you a regular reader of my blogs you know that I was living in New Orleans before Katrina and that I am returning home in June– just in time for the hurricane season to start. Although I have lived in the south all of my life and am all too familiar with the threat of hurricane’s, like many people, I never really prepared myself for having to actually leave the city. Like a lot of people, whenever there was a threat I would schlep to Winn Dixie and pick up a few goodies to eat, some batteries, candles, etc. Last year as Katrina raced toward us, I grabbed what I could and got the heck out of town. I was fortunate that we left way before she made landfall.

If I have to do it again, and I hope to God I don’t, I will certainly be better prepared. I lost some things that I can’t replace and I am sorry about that. On the other hand, we’re alive and I have all of Tyler’s pictures and important documents. I lost some mementos– some going back as far as grade school– and I am deeply saddened by that loss.

“If you and your family had to hightail it out of your house in an emergency, would you be prepared?” This is the question put to readers in the August 2006 issue of Better Homes and Gardens. Surprisingly, only 10% of people surveyed by the American Red Cross had an emergency plan. The American Red Cross offers a deluxe emergency preparedness kit (for $65) or you can prepare what BH&G calls a “grab-and-go bag”. Here’s what they suggest you include:

Personal travel-sized toiletries

A flashlight with batteries inserted

An extra pair of eyeglasses

A whistle to signal for help

A few days worth of prescription medicine

A couple of bottles of water

A few high-protein, high-energy food bars

A change of clothes

Small, soft comfort toys for each child

Family photographs

Each adult should also carry a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, an extra set of keys, credit cards and cash and copies of important documents.

When I return home, I plan to make sure I have my grab-and-go bag. Let’s just hope I don’t have to use it.

For more blogs on preparing for an emergency see:

Preparing For An Emergency

Emergency Preparedness For Pets

First Aid Kits