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Planning Little Things for a Fun Year

In a previous post, I talked about scheduling fun on the calendar. This time of year is a good time for fresh starts. Many people make resolutions to eat healthier, get organized, or start an exercise program. I want to have more fun. Not just because I’m because I’m a Family Fun blogger, but because I know these years will pass fast. I want to give my children the gifts of my time and interest, new experiences, and fun. I’m not just talking about the big things like vacations and trips to amusement parks, but the little things—walks, picnics, a trip to feed the ducks.

I have a vision in my head of our happy family where the children help with dinner, where there are always homemade cookies in a jar on the kitchen counter, where we decide to have a picnic and head out the door, where we go exploring and do fun things every weekend.

Because the truth is that families are not spontaneous. You can’t just scoop up a toddler for a day at a fair without giving thought to diapers, food, or naptime. Well you could, but I bet you’d regret it. You can’t decide to just leave for a weekend without arranging for pet care. Here in Colorado, you don’t just head out on a hike without packing for the possibility of severe weather changes.

And so, on our calendar for January I’m adding a few things. Each child is going to have a night of the week where they help with food preparation and cleaning up. I think we’ll put cookie baking on Sunday afternoons. I’d also like to go someplace new each month, a new hiking trail, or restaurant, or museum. I’m marking two Saturdays for that in the hopes that one will stay free. We’ve got a birthday party to plan too. And I’d like to have a family game night. We are a little too plugged in to our separate electronic devices these days. There’s a Friday that looks good.

Planning this stuff is a little work. I’m not an organizer or planner by nature. I wish this fun stuff just happened on its own. But it doesn’t.

So here’s a challenge. What does your family consider fun? Schedule a couple of days this month, and make it happen.

Being Prepared for Fun:

Family Fun Pack