Do your plastic storage containers multiply like rabbits? Mine do but unfortunately the lids multiply at a different rate than the containers. Round lids multiply slower and unique shaped lids disintegrate in the darkness of my cabinet.
I’ve been cleaning my kitchen. I have to tell you my kitchen is my least favorite room to clean because it was very poorly designed. The cabinet pictured above is the worst offender. It is the biggest cabinet in my kitchen with the smallest door. The cabinet is a normal depth but it is three feet wide with a tiny skinny door at one end. What can possibly go in there? A family of gnomes? So by default this cabinet became the home of all plastic containers. It worked well for a while but then things got pushed deeper and deeper into the dark recesses of the cabinet never to be seen again.
Tonight I decided to reorganize two of my least favorite cabinets, and that included the plastic gnome cabinet. I pulled everything out of there. I had a huge mountain of plastic. Apparently because it was all pushed so far back I thought I didn’t have enough plastic containers and bought more.
I took a while to match up all those containers and lids, I’m still looking for a way to store the lids that won’t make me crazy. The containers are bad enough, you have to store the smaller sizes in the larger sizes to save cabinet space and of course you always need the ones in the middle. If you have a teenager getting a container for leftovers out you know the rest do not get put back the way you had them!
So after matching up the lids with the containers I have lots left over. The containers don’t bother me, I can use them in so many places to organize, but what can you possibly do with twenty lids that don’t go to anything? I’ll hold on to them for a couple days in case anyone has any ideas.