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Playing Well with Others

Business includes working relationships and often working on projects with multiple people. As home based professionals, we may not always have the opportunity to work on team projects on a regular basis. When we do work on team projects we come to the table with our own interests, timelines, and goals. We represent ourselves as opposed to company employees representing a common establishment. Yet, we still sometimes come together for a common goal or cause. Being out of practice playing nice with others we need to remember a few things before engaging in group projects. I highly recommend involving yourself in such projects. Not only does it challenge you and extend your reach it provides you networking opportunities and friendships.

Tips for Playing Nice with Others

Choose your battles wisely: We all want to be heard and want things to be a certain way. It is understandable given our names will be part of the project. However, resist the urge to control every facet of the project. Save your strong opinions for the core topics or the overall direction of the project. The color of the logo is not as important as what it represents or who it associates itself with. Be wise.

Check your ego at the door: You may feel flattered that you were asked to be a part of a big project. That flattery may make you feel needed and looked up to. Perhaps that is even the case. Regardless, let it go. You are an equal member of the team.

Know your strengths: Going in knowing your strengths will help you place yourself where your skills will best be utilized for the team effort. If you have experience in something or feel comfortable in an area then let them know in a kind way.

Know your weaknesses: Along with checking your ego at the door, know your weaknesses. Do not take on aspects or the project you do not excel in. It is a group effort so there is room and freedom to work where you are strong and allow others to work where you are weak.

Work toward one goal and for the best of the project: Work together toward one goal and don’t fuss or worry about the rest. If the common goal is being reached then small things can be left aside and not become big things.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.