This might be an unusual blog, but it’s a desperate plea from a mom who doesn’t know what else to do. I need prayer for my son right now. Whatever you might be doing, I humbly ask you to pray.
My son is 5 years old. He was adopted. He has anxiety issues, explosiveness, and impulse control issues. Last year we dealt with a cycling of out of control behaviors. We got him into see his pediatrician, a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Childhood bipolar has thus far been ruled out. ADD has not. My son shows signs of fetal drug effects as the result of his methamphetamine exposure while in his birth mother’s womb.
While in therapy, we learned how to do a safe-hold to keep our son safe, as well as others around him when he was out of control and violent toward his dad or me. For the past 7 months he had been doing so well! Recently, about a week and a half ago, he has started the out of control behavior again.
Like any mom, I find myself making excuses for his behavior. Some of these excuses are legitimate. The last three days though, I’ve been beside myself. He has been name calling, spitting, hitting… He is very short fused. We have met with extended birth family recently for the first time which could feel awkward for him. Regardless of the reason behind it, my son needs prayer. I fear for his future with such outbursts and defiant behavior. I love him so much and I ache as I write this.
My son has so many wonderful qualities when he has self control. He is funny, smart, loving, considerate… I just don’t want anyone to think I’m just ragging on him or feel like he’s a hopeless cause. He is not!
Would you please pray for the Holy Spirit to give my husband and me wisdom on how to handle this? Please pray that my son will understand his negative behaviors and why it’s not okay to have them? I want him to know that Jesus loves him and wants to help him. I thank you so much for taking the time to do this for us.
May your day be blessed.