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Please Socialize Your Dogs

When I got Snickers he wasn’t the friendliest dog. In fact, after I brought him home he did not come near me for two weeks. My feelings were hurt because I did so much to prepare for this dog and once I brought him home he treated me as if I was out to get him. Let me add that he was almost 2 when I got him.

He gradually began to trust me but I knew I had to work to socialize him more. So we would go out to the pet supply shops and walk around, talk to people, etc. He was starting to get better until children came into the picture. For some reason children terrified him- and they still do. The kids would only make it worse by chasing him in their efforts to be friendly.

I don’t know what happened but gradually I stopped taking him out as much, or when we went out he would either be in his carrier or in his stroller. I just wanted to keep him feeling safe and comfortable.

During our shopping time over the weekend I noticed that he looked really unhappy. I started to think he was sick because his face and mannerisms were abnormal. I tried to give him treats but he declined. And then I realized that we were in public and he wasn’t happy about it.

Snickers is the sweetest dog but he just does not like to be around people in an unfamiliar environment. I blame myself.

I failed at socializing him.

Here are some socialization tips:

Don’t reward fear. If your dog is afraid and you constantly pet or hold him that will reinforce fearful behavior.

At the same time, don’t allow your dog to be traumatized. This will cause phobias.

Introduce your dog to different people both outside and inside the home.

Never tolerate growling.

Join an obedience or agility class.