He had asked about the surgery and how I was doing but I told him I felt crackly in the bottom of my right lung and I was coughing. He listened and sure enough I had developed bronchitis at least but he ordered a chest x-ray just to be sure. It turns out that I had pneumonia not bronchitis the doctor figures it was because I was intubated for so long. My surgery was 18 hours and then I was still intubated for a while after surgery. He gave me some antibiotics and some medicine to stop the coughing. Let me say coughing with a hip to hip abdominal incision, chest incisions and 5 JP Drains was very painful. I was grateful for the medicine to stop the coughing but this complication meant I was not going to be going home in 2 days.
When the doctor left I called my husband and just cried. I missed him and the kids so much I really wanted to go home.