I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, Halloween is over. But, I must admit I was a bit stunned when I entered a hardware store today and saw a line of LIVE poinsettias in the greenhouse area. Poinsettias so soon? How would they survive past Thanksgiving? Moreover, could there be people out there who were actually decorating their homes for the holidays when the Halloween candy was still fresh?
I came home, did some research and found that poinsettias are hearty plants, which can survive for long periods of time under the right conditions. For example, poinsettias thrive in direct sunlight and will stay alive provided they are kept in an environment that doesn’t exceed 55 degrees. That said, if you are an early decorator (though, I suppose “early” is a relative term) you may also consider using other long-lasting natural decorations including boughs of Colorado spruce, balsam, and white pine, which provide an aromatic decoration for the holidays (or any time during the winter months). I use the excess branches from our Christmas tree, but you can buy boughs at most outlets where Christmas trees are sold. They look wonderful gathered on the mantle or as a centerpiece. Or, if you are ambitious you could try your hand at making your own wreath.
Pinecones are another hearty holiday decorating option. However, if you decide to decorate with fresh pinecones, I would suggest placing them on a cookie sheet and baking them in a 200 degree-oven for a few hours. This will kill any insects that may have been attached to the pinecones when you brought them inside.
If you aren’t a fan of poinsettias, but still enjoy decorating your home with live plants during the holiday season consider these alternatives: azaleas, cyclamens, Christmas cacti, and white roses. To get the most “display life” from each plant be sure to purchase ones that are disease-and-insect-free. Also, look for lush, green foliage, and avoid injuring the plant during the trip from the store to your home.
A final tip: Once you get your fresh plant home, remove the decorative foil or punch a small hole in the foil to allow water to drain freely out of the bottom holes. Also, remember to place your holiday plants away from drafts and heating sources.
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