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Politics: The Taboo Topic

Some things just aren’t discussed in polite company. Sports is sometimes one of them, but religion and politics are the big two when it comes to taboo topics. Many a relationship has been harmed by a heated argument over faith or politics, or sometimes both. It doesn’t have to be that way.

The truth is that good debate is healthy. Sharing -even arguing- ideas is educational. The difference is in the way people define arguing. Those who argue with -or challenge- others simply to be difficult will likely receive the cold, defensive, response they invited. Those who “argue” in much the same way a lawyer does, presenting a disputed issue with reliable information to explain and support that position, are much more likely to get people to listen. They still may not agree with you, but they will better understand your position and have some insight into why you feel the way you do concerning a particular issue.

Understanding why people think and feel the way they do is half the battle. Even if people don’t “switch sides,” they may well look at things from a new perspective. You might just learn something from your “opposition” as well.

Politics doesn’t have to be a dirty word. It’s just a conversation best handled with care. Something else to keep in mind is that if you see someone is becoming upset over a discussion, it may be best to drop the subject for the moment. Besides, you’ll often find that those who shout the loudest have the least to say. They shout people down as a way of intimidation because they have no persuasive argument to make. They can’t counter your position so they try to drown it out. That is not debate, and you are better served by moving on. It’s rare that you’ll get through to such a person, or even be able to carry on a reasonable conversation with him or her. Instead, find those who will actually listen, explore, explain their position, and treat you with respect.

We need more debate in this country, in my opinion. A lot more. So feel free to jump in and tell us what you think!

Politically Speaking: Do You have Issues?