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Portion Control

No, portion control is not a “dirty” word. Portion control is a necessary part of losing weight. If you’ve gained weight, it’s likely because your portions were too big and your choices were too fat-filled, carbohydrate-laden, or sugary (or a combination of all three).

Losing weight is never easy. It takes a strict combination of portion control and exercise. But portion control doesn’t have to be about weighing and measuring. For some people, the mere idea of weighing and measuring their food sends them running in the other direction. For these people, and for anyone else who is simply too busy to pull out a food scale, try this method:

Arrange your plate so that ¼ of your plate is taken up by lean protein (beef, chicken, fish, poultry, pork, eggs, etc). Another ¼ of your plate should be taken up by carbohydrates (whole grain bread, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.). The remaining ½ of your plate should be reserved for vegetables or fruit. Try having a salad and a hot vegetable. Or, prepare two separate hot vegetables, such as carrots and broccoli. Avoid fats such as butter and margarine whenever possible, and instead substitute cooking spray, olive oil, or a touch of chicken broth to help cook your meals.

The result? Instant portion control. You’re still eating every food group, so you don’t feel deprived, but you’re being healthy. You’re getting your “five a day,” and likely, you’ll be feeling and looking better in no time.

Try this for a few weeks and see what happens. Portion control, with or without measuring is admittedly tough the first few days or weeks. But soon your body will get used to the proper portion sizes and believe it or not, you’ll even look forward to the vegetables. Maybe.