As part of this series about portraits and your layouts, I am determined to find solutions for what to do with each of the problems that faces a scrapbooker. Many scrapbookers find the simply obnoxious amount of photographs you get in a package to be overwhelming. What to do with all those pictures?
The Number of Portraits is definitely a problem for scrapbookers. Yes, you usually receive dozens of the exact same picture in a portrait package. That can be great when you have a lot of relatives and friends and family to share with. But can also be really annoying when at the end you are left with dozens of photographs, with no idea what to do with them.
Portraits work great on layouts. There isn’t any reason why you cannot use more than one of the same photograph in a layout. This will be further discussed in the next article which deals with the many different sizes of portraits.
There is also no reason why you cannot create more than one layout with the same portrait. Take for instance school portraits. One can be used on a page layout about your child’s school year, and perhaps one age appropriate portrait could be used on a layout about their favorite things each year. In addition, creating a layout with portraits from each grade level is another great idea. You can create it as if it were a growth chart, or as a time line or as any number of different themes. I am working on a few in my own scrapbook studio now for my almost thirteen year old son. I will display those in the next couple of days.
Stretch your mind and imagination and you will probably find loads of uses for all of those different photographs. Don’t forget things like doing a portrait collection on the walls of your home, and a themed school scrapbook for each child, along with the family album.d
Related Articles:
Portraits and Layouts: Home Studio Portraits
Portraits and Layouts: Dealing With All Those Portraits
Portraits and Layouts: What’s With All The Sizes