Not all scrapbookers choose to go pay the high prices for expensive studio portraits. So where do they get their portraits? Aside from the yearly school portrait packages that come home, usually they create their own home studios for taking these same types of portraits.
Personally, I have not created a home studio to take portraits however I spend such a large amount of time with my camera in my hand that I have learned how to take great portraits of my children. So what do I do with all those prints?
With taking your own prints, if you are using a film camera, chances are you have dozens of good photographs you took to get that perfect shot. They might not all be great, but they are good. Want to use them on your layouts? You can!
My favorite pictures of my daughter are some portraits my mother took of her. She just kept shooting periodically and had a whole roll when she was done. They were all in the same location and my mother just kept snapping the camera as my daughter talked and laughed and made faces. When I received the photographs from my mom, I knew I had to do something special with them.
I had so much fun with that particular layout, which I made about my daughter’s many moods. The layout is below in all its glory.

Be creative when you are using home portraits. Remember when you shoot a roll of film or series of digital prints of your child, they are not exactly the same, which can make them much more fun to use. They can all be used on the same layout about their moods, personality or something else.
Do you have any creative ideas on what to do with portraits in scrapbooking?
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