Did you know that when you were pregnant you burned 10% more calories if you were carrying a boy than if you were carrying a girl? Did you know that the average pregnant woman burns about 3,000 calories per day while she is pregnant and may continue to burn upwards of 2800 calories a day if you are breastfeeding, but while you burning these calories, you need to be aware that your body needs proper nutrition throughout the pregnancy and into the period where you are breastfeeding.
However, even if you aren’t breastfeeding, you still need to maintain a healthy diet with the right amount of vitamins and minerals in order to make sure that you do not overtax your body’s immune system while recovering from the delivery or c-section.
Taking Care of You
Too often after we have a baby, our priorities completely shift so that the number one in our lives is taking care of the baby at the expense of everything – including ourselves. It’s important to remember that while this is a very natural biological imperative and it’s important that we put our newborns first because they cannot take care of themselves – post-natal fitness has to include taking care of yourself.
If you don’t take care of yourself, you are not going to be in great shape to take care of your little one. So as you prepare to dive back into your fitness program and your post-natal health care and you’re worried about shedding those extra pregnancy pounds – consider the calories that you are eating rather than counting the actual number of calories.
Focus on plenty of fluids, fruits and vegetables. You want to maintain your water intake at 8 to 10 cups of water per day or one half ounce per pound of weight that you carry. You also want to make sure you keep up your fiber intake – with a serving of fruits and vegetables at every meal. Your baby is likely eating every 2 to 4 hours. You want to split your own meals out to 6 times a day.
Eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day keeps your calorie intake commiserate with your calorie output and at the same time, helps you maintain your own strength and supports your body through the changes it’s going through. Accept from the get go that it’s not going to be a snap, it took you nine months to grow and develop that precious angel you now hold in your arms and it can take nine months to a year after his or her birth to reclaim your body.
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