Be on the lookout for a postcard from Ireland that may appear in your mailbox in the next few months. Check your inbox for email from Ireland. You might be asked to “come home” to visit Ireland in 2013. There will be a year long celebration of Irish culture called “The Gathering: Ireland 2013”.
Genealogy is the study of family, and genealogists are very interested in finding out more about their ancestors and heritage. Your research may have led you to discover that some of your ancestors came to America from Ireland. Last month, it was announced that a joint collaboration between Eneclann and Ancestor Network in Ireland resulted in new access to resources for Irish Genealogy. There are a lot of Americans who have discovered that they have Irish roots.
CIE Tours International is involved with something that taps into the interest that many Americans have about learning more about their Irish heritage, and the culture of Ireland. It is called “The Gathering: Ireland 2013”. It is being described as “an opportunity to experience Ireland at its very best”. The Gathering is a year long celebration of everything that is unique and great about Ireland. This is an unprecedented event. To be honest, I would be interested in checking this out, if I were able to afford to go.
Part of the way that people in Ireland who are involved in “The Gathering” are letting people know about it involves email and postcards. You could receive an unexpected postcard from Ireland in your mailbox in the next few months from someone that you know who lives in Ireland. It also could come from an Irish person whom you haven’t met, and are not familiar with. Check your inbox, too, because there could be an email from someone involved with “The Gathering” that wants you to “come home to visit” Ireland.
The entire year of 2013 will be filled with parades, festivals, historical reinactments, Medieval fairs, and more. There are over 1,000 events that will be happening. Attendance will be free for anyone who goes to Ireland for “The Gathering” through CIE Tours International. Purchase a tour to Ireland for anywhere between five and fourteen days. CIE Tours has a “$550 + Advantage” protection guarantee that travelers are never charged for special features.
2013 could be the year that you make connections with relatives who live in Ireland. “The Gathering” sounds like a fascinating opportunity for genealogists who have been yearning to learn more about the Irish culture. It also sounds like a great deal of fun!
Image by NASA Earth Observatory on Flickr