When I was struggling during the first few weeks and months of my little one’s life, it seemed so hard. In fact, it seemed that all of the tummy issues he had and lack of sleep was just too much for me to handle. I felt like I would never be back to my normal self now that I had three kids to take care of. I felt overwhelmed, tired, and in a fog.
I had several friends say to me, “Oh, don’t worry, you will get back into the groove of motherhood in no time”. While, it didn’t happen as soon as I would have liked, it is so true. Eventually, you do get your groove back. But, you have to remember that sometimes it is a new groove all together.
For example, now that I have three kids, I have learned my limits. It is a lot of work to say, go to the park for 2 hours. I have to pack snacks for 2 older kids, make sure there is a potty, pack bottle gear for the baby, a stroller, a baby carrier, blanket, etc. etc. It can seem exhausting. What used to seem simple, now seems like a lot more work. However, does that mean I never go to the park again? No. It just means I am more choosy with when I feel like I can do that. Sometimes, I have to say no to things now, and that is OK. It doesn’t mean that I have to say no every time. Just when I feel like I can’t handle it, or we are all too tired, I have learned to say no.
I’ve also gotten into a groove with a new bedtime routine. Putting three kids to bed at the same time with two parents makes us outnumbered! It is hard. But, sometimes, even my husband isn’t home to help. Did I ever think a few months ago that I would be able to handle that task? Not really. Because I was in the moment of feeling overwhelmed. But, now that I have had 7 months to be a Mom to three, it seems easier now. More manageable.
When you become a new Mom, there is always something that seems really overwhelming. Maybe for you, it is something different. Maybe you hate the feeding aspect of parenting, or you hate giving them baths. Whatever it is that makes you feel overwhelmed as a new Mom will get better. You will get your groove back. And, you will be that Mom that seems like she has it all together again. Just give yourself some time, and know that the way you feel when you are sleep deprived and not thinking clearly will not last forever. I promise. I’m living proof.
Photo courtesy of Morguefile.com