Potty training is a developmental task. As parents we often take it so personally and rejoice or get upset with the potty process. We are so involved with it that during potty training is consumes us. You can tell the beginning potty training parents at the store. She is the one with a huge box of pull-ups, a package of underwear, a potty chair and an array of candy and stickers. It is a big time in the life of a child and for the parent as well. We get so excited when the child finally goes potty we Facebook it, Tweet it, and call our friends. I have been that mom. Then at three something happens to some children. They begin to have potty accidents.
When our fully potty trained three year old has an accident we immediately wonder what could be wrong and how do I fix it. While potty accidents and bed wetting may be signs of an underlying condition, most of the time an accident is just an accident.
During the process of potty training the potty has our complete attention. The child is always being asked if she needs to go if she went. She is rewarded for going and soothed if she messes up. It takes over her life and our life. Then it the day happens that she goes potty without prompting and without asking for candy or a sticker. You think that day will never come even if it comes only a few days later. The hubbub is over and finally you can rest easy, put the training chair in storage or the garbage, and save money by not having to buy pull ups. Then it happens, the accident. Which would not be so bad if it was isolated. Why does this happen?
As the child becomes comfortable with her potty experience she slacks off. She is not prompted to think about it all day and takes it for granted. When the potty breaks are up to her she waits until she can no longer hold it. Why miss brushing Barbie’s hair one more time to go to the bathroom? Just one more area to color and then the bathroom will take priority. Most of the time is it is just the passing of the reigns of the potty break schedule from parent to child. Unless you have reason to suspect it is more, simply go back to a few gentle reminders.