I have been dreading this phase of our son’s development since I consciously acknowledged that one day he would need to be potty trained. While I looked forward to the day that our son no longer needed to wear diapers and the day that I would no longer need to change them, I did not look forward to the accidents in his big boy underwear which would inevitably end up on the floor/carpet. Once our son crossed the two year old threshold, I made my first attempt at getting him potty trained. We started talking about him being a big boy and going pee and poop in the toilet. We asked him if he thought that he might not wear diapers anymore but big boy underwear. While he kind of liked the idea of using the potty, he had no interest in wearing underwear instead of a diaper. My mom gave us a big boy toilet seat to fit on the big toilet seat. The removable child size toilet seat caught his interest and he even used it to go pee in the potty a couple of times and that is where his interest ended. I wanted to be careful and not push him into potty training if he was not truly ready. I also really liked the idea of having him potty trained before his baby sister was born. The prospect of having two children in diapers was not appealing to me at all as I am sure it is not for most parents. I continued the potty training tactics (my husband was far too busy with his new job to take an active role). I continued to ask him if he would like to go pee or poop in the potty. He told me very clearly, “No, I want to go pee/poop in my diaper.”