If you want practical lessons about life, look at the example of Hezekiah.One of the first facts we learn about Hezekiah is that, ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,’ 2 Chronicles 29:2.
At the beginning of his reign, he re-opened the temple and restored worship of the Lord. He recognized that the unfaithfulness of Israel and the way they had turned their backs on the Lord, had caused evil to come to them, 2 Chronicles 29:6-9. Hezekiah decreed that he intended making a covenant with God. He called the people to consecrate themselves. Hezekiah then celebrated the Passover, 2 Chronicles 30. Under his reign, the high places and Asherah poles in Judah were destroyed, 2 Chronicles 31:1.
The bible says, ‘This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.’ 2 Chronicles 31:20-21.
Hezekiah might have expected since he had honored God and been faithful that God would continue to bless and prosper him and no trouble would come near him. This was not the case. Trouble struck. Sennacherib came against Jerusalem. Hezekiah found himself and his people under threat. He took precautions and encouraged his military officers boldly with these words. ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With his is only the arm of flesh but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles,’ 2 Chronicles 32:7-8. His words had the desired effect. They encouraged the people, instilling confidence.
Sennacherib persisted and sent a message to Hezekiah trying to undermine his confidence in God. Using past experience of examples of Assyrian’s victories, he declared God would not be able to save his people, 2 Chronicles 32: 10-15.
Look at Hezekiah’s reaction! After he read these words of Sennacherib, he immediately went up to the temple and spread the letter before the Lord. He prayed, 2 Kings 19:14-19seeking God’s deliverance. God encouraged Hezekiah through the words of Isaiah the prophet, assuring him God had heard his prayer and would defend the city of Jerusalem, 2 Kings 19:20-34.
That night the angel of the Lord caused a great slaughter in the Assyrian camp. One hundred and eighty five thousand men died, because of the Assyrian king’s disregard for God. Sennacherib, knowing he was beaten, withdrew, returning to Nineveh where he stayed until his sons killed him.
As so often God makes sure His word is, above all, practical and that we learn to apply it in our lives. Less than ten minutes after writing this article I received a phone call that filled me and my husband with alarm. Fears and doubts clamored for attention. Like Hezekiah, I turned to God in prayer, trusting in Him to undertake for us and deliver us as He had Hezekiah. Like Hezekiah we had God’s word to encourage us to keep trusting in Him, despite the circumstances, despite the fears that fluttered like moths. We chose to trust in God and look to Him to answer and uphold us.
When problems arise in your life and trouble comes, do you react as Hezekiah did? Do you boldly proclaim your confidence in the Lord and his power and ability to undertake despite the circumstances? Do you take the problem to God and spread the matter out before him and pray as Hezekiah did? Do you allow Him to encourage you from His word? Do you then leave then matter in God’s hands, trusting Him to provide for you?
In what situation in your life do you need to learn from the example of Hezekiah?
Will you choose now to turn the matter over to God, seek the Lord in prayer, trust in His promises and wait for the Lord to act?
All Bible quotes are from the New International Version.
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