One of the fun things about marriage is that you have another person, a partner, the love or your life, for whom you can lavish attention. Here is a ready made opportunity in the form of the most important person in the world, and opportunity to give of yourself.
We have heard of random acts of kindness before. Typically, in practicing this, you look for opportunities to do something nice without the chance of reward or acknowledgment. Most of the time, the person who receives the act may not know it was you that performed it or even that it was performed at all. The typical example often used is placing a coin in a stranger’s parking meter when the time is about to expire. But random acts of kindness can be larger or smaller than this one example.
Why not take this whole random acts of kindness idea to your marriage? There are two ways and two benefits to doing this. First of all, you can practice these random acts of kindness together. Not only will you be blessing the lives of other people, but you will also strengthen your marriage by working together and coming face to face with the reality of how blessed you are.
You can also practice random acts of kindness for your spouse. This is both easier and harder than it might seem. You probably already do a lot for your spouse, but what if you did some extra things without being asked or without telling? Perhaps you find a lost object, put gas in the car, make a favorite meal, etc. Aim to find at least one new random act of kindness that you can practice for your spouse each day. The point is not to make a big deal about the random act. It can be fun trying not to get caught in the act!
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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