When you decide to go into business with someone you have to be careful who you pick. A business relationship is much like a marriage. It requires communication, trust, grace, forgiveness, understanding, respect, and a healthy does of humor. A business relationship can make a friendship stronger or tear it to shreds. The union must be harmonious and talents complimentary. Egos need to be checked at the door because now both your tushies are on the line. Problems will arise and each needs to have the respect to communicate it and the willingness to work it out. It all begins with sharing a vision.
A shared vision is a beautiful thing. My business partner and I had a shared vision. Our lives intersected through homeschooling and we quickly became friends. We shared much in common and had an instant bond. We care about each other’s family, personal goals, and spiritual walk. We also share something very important. We share a good laugh. Essential to beginning our business we shared a vision. Soon that vision became an LLC.
I am grateful for my friend and business partner. Our business has had ups and downs and through it all she maintained a smile on her face, faith, and a gracious attitude. She was forgiving when necessary as well as hardworking when necessary. She does not allow pride to interfere with business or our friendship. She has taught me how to graciously handle any situation. We have a friendship grounded in faith and trust in the Lord. Nothing is perfect but as long as we feel led to continue we are committed to work. We have had our share of bumps in the road but instead of shredding us apart it has strengthened our friendship. We can be honest with one another and each is always willing to sacrifice and compromise for the sake of the business. I say all of this to praise God for the bond my business partner.
If you are considering going into business with someone you will need to have a solid foundation and willingness to work together without the distraction of egos. If your partnership is not built on a solid foundation it will crumble. So, before you consider a partnership, think long and hard and decide if you are better off alone or if your partnership will enhance the business.