With the recent news about “intelligent design” (creationism) being taught and then banned in schools, I felt it was important to take a look at this as a whole.
My first question about this subject is why are Christians, who still hold a majority of the population sitting back and taking it? Why is any religious group sitting back and taking it for that matter?
Prior to 1963, and prior to Madalyn Murray O’Hair, there was prayer in schools, and also a lower crime rate. But, she decided that because she didn’t believe and because she felt it was unconstitutional, she took her case to the Supreme Court where they actually ruled in her favor.
Gone was prayer in schools. Gone was any kind of morality from the place where our children spend most of their time. Ask yourself this as you plan your attack against this article: “How many school shootings were there prior to 1963?” “How many people massacred their classmates prior to 1963?”
Now, we’re looking at intelligent design being banned from our classrooms. Why? What is the threat? I understand that people want science taught to their children, but I want intelligent design taught to mine. What’s that? Send my kid to private school? Why should I? This country was founded on Christian values and we can’t celebrate that anymore because a select few say no?
What’s so wrong with teaching both evolution and creationism? If we’re teaching this at the high school level, these kids already have a base of what they believe and what they don’t. So, what’s the harm in giving them both options and letting them actually make their own decisions on how they feel? What about teaching science in all its glory, and making an Evolution/Creationism class an elective? What’s wrong with a moment of silence? Christians can pray, and the Atheists can think about something else. Again, what is the threat?
Once we allow the system to remove intelligent design, we might as well prepare ourselves for even more removal of Christianity as a whole. Not too long ago, they removed the cross from the city of Los Angeles logo, because it offended somebody. Well, it offends me that they took it out, and I, for one, am sick and tired of being offended and nobody rising up to do anything about it.
Gone will be the Bible that we swear on in a courtroom. We might be turning in our dollar bills so that they can make new ones without “In God We Trust” on it. Sooner or later, our Presidents will not be able to say “God Bless America” anymore. We probably will have to phase out Christmas sometime soon as well.
Again, why are we taking it? Oh, and by the way, God Bless my family, your family, and God Bless America.
Weigh in on the debate going on now in our forums!