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Pre-Order Wii Play for only $14.48

Elisha got a Wii for Christmas. Yes, I was one of the idiots that stood outside in line for ten hours in 22-degree weather. Let me tell you, it was completely worth it. The boys started their video game obsession with Grandpa’s Sega Genesis years ago. (My first set was Pong, but I’m dating myself again.) That obsession has only grown. The Gamecube came next. I really like the Gamecube, in part because it has a large selection of rated E games. Then came the Gameboys, Gameboy Advances, Gameboy Advance SP (yes, they got us three times). For Christmas, it was the DS Lite. I think we ought to buy some serious Nintendo stock! We’ve been really happy with their products and their customer service, so taking a $400 chance on a game system that we hadn’t previewed was a pretty sure bet.

The system came with Wii Sports, a collection of games that includes baseball, tennis, boxing, golf, and bowling. The whole family has been enjoying these, with my father (who lives with us) becoming the reigning bowling champ – and getting some much needed exercise in the process. Wii is gaming for the non-gamer. It requires more than just sitting there twiddling your thumbs…er, working the remote controller. For baseball, you assume a batting position or a spot on your own pitcher’s mound. Likewise, the other sports require whole body interaction.

Because of the dent in our Christmas budget, we only bought one extra game, Zelda: Twilight Princess. While requiring less physical activity, it is more a mental workout. We’ve borrowed a couple from Blockbuster (Madden NFL 07 is as great as you’d expect!), but have yet to fork out another $50 for a game. I did, however, scrounge up the $15 dollars for this deal. I’ve been looking everywhere for a Wii game sale and this is the first real deal I’ve found.

$14.48 for the game – with a free controller. Since the controllers are pretty difficult to find, it’s worth it just for that. The deal is through Yes Asia. They have a decent reseller rating, but any time I order from overseas, I use PayPal or Google Checkout if I can. It’s just a safety precaution with the credit card. It’s a secure checkout, but I still made my payment via PayPal. You can’t be too careful.

Elisha’s ratings of the Wii games (out of five stars):
Call of Duty 3 – 4 stars
Madden Football – 5 stars
Sports – 3 stars
Zelda: Twilight Princess – 5 stars

Link to YesAsia’s Preorder Form