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Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part I)

May is pregnancy awareness month! In honor of the 4 million + babies born in the United States each year, P.A.M (Pregnancy Awareness Month) and O.N.E Coconut Water have teamed up to provide pregnant women with helpful tips for a healthy pregnancy.

According to P.A.M., there are five things pregnant women want.

Number One: Easy Uncomplicated Labor
Easier said than done in some cases. I too desire and easy and uncomplicated labor. With my first pregnancy, I wouldn’t say labor was easy. Labor is hard and largely painful work. There are certainly factors that can make labor more difficult. For example, laying on one’s back during labor doesn’t facilitate the best progress nor does it allow the baby to descend as easily. Achieving an uncomplicated labor is a whole different issue that is largely dependent on one’s pregnancy. Certainly complications can arise, but if the pregnancy is free of complications and if movement during labor is made a priority, complications should be lessened. Putting a time limit on labor can sometimes create complications especially for first time mothers.

Number Two: Fast Recovery From Birth
The transition period between giving birth and getting back into pre-pregnancy clothes is quite difficult. Our bodies are amazing creations that can heal remarkably fast. Recovery time is partly dependent on the kind of birth we experienced (vaginal vs. Cesarean and uncomplicated vs. complicated), and partly dependent on the woman. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will not only aid in the best labor and birth outcome, but will also help the new mommy get back in shape more quickly. It depends on one’s dedication and commitment to eating healthy and exercise. It takes some serious work to get those abdominal muscles back in shape. It’s certainly possible but it takes commitment and it won’t happen overnight.

Number Three: Healthy Baby
I can’t think of any mom that doesn’t desire a healthy baby. Surprisingly, having a healthy baby is largely dependent on the mommy. You can’t just hope and pray that you will have a healthy baby (although prayer doesn’t hurt), you have to actively BE healthy yourself. Healthy mommy = healthy baby.

Number Four: To Feel Loved
Pregnancy can be a very difficult time for many women. Our bodies change in ways we never thought possible. Our hormones are surging especially in the first trimester and with the onset of morning sickness. Sometimes we feel like we have little control over what is happening to us. All we really need is reassurance from our spouse, family, and friends, that we are loved even though we feel disgusting and maybe even out of control.

Number Five: To Feel Beautiful
All women want to feel beautiful. For the pregnant women feeling and being beautiful (in our eyes) is difficult. The best remedy I’ve found to beat the “I feel ugly bug” is to take care of yourself. Putting healthy foods in your body will help you feel good. Exercising, especially strength training, will help keep your body in shape and toning your muscles will give you some confidence in your appearance.