It became clear that our 18 month old needed a sibling. We had reached the point that we felt it was a good time to start trying for another baby. Largely, motivated by our son who loves “babies” and joyfully points out any baby he sees, it seemed that our son was also ready for a new baby especially since he has been practicing being a “good big brother” with a baby doll I recently found in a closet. He also had the opportunity to hold the 2 week old baby girl of a colleague and friend. He was completely enamored and didn’t want to give the baby back to her mommy. He signed for “more” over and over again. Yes, it seemed our son was ready for a new baby and we were certainly ready to welcome another precious life into our small growing family!
Just like before, we decided, several months prior to actually trying, that we that we were ready for pregnancy number two. And just like before our first attempt resulted in a 29 day cycle. I wasn’t surprised and was mentally preparing myself for months of trying. In the second month of attempting to conceive, I knew my chart was different. My luteal phase tends to be about 10-12 days long and as it reached 17 days, I knew something was up. It seems that God knew the timing was right because we achieved pregnancy in just two months! After my luteal phase stretched to 21 days it was official — we were pregnant!
The preparations have began, although far less obvious than with the first pregnancy. I am excited to see how this pregnancy will be different from the first. It seems that there will be fewer unknowns with the second pregnancy especially considering all the research I did with the first and continue to do almost daily. Bring on the changes! I’m ready!