I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to exercise frequently and consistently throughout pregnancy. The results are quite amazing. I first became committed to exercise with my first pregnancy. I did not exercise nearly as frequently or intensely with my first pregnancy nor was I as consistent with my workout routine. I gained more weight with my first pregnancy and it took me over six months to get close to my pre-pregnancy size. I was also in the process of transitioning to a whole food diet with local and organic foods. It was during the post pregnancy phase of my first pregnancy that I really committed to working out to get back in shape which of course went hand in hand with improved eating habits.
Reflecting on my workout routine during my second pregnancy, several things had changed since my first pregnancy. My diet went from fairly healthy to ninety-five percent whole and organic foods all the time with no processed pre-packaged anything. I had been exercising for about an hour six to seven times a week, which was the workout routine that I maintained into early pregnancy. With the onset of morning sickness, I only worked out three to four times a week but continued with the same routine. By the time the morning sickness had subsided I was back to exercising five to seven times a week and had switched to a prenatal pilate workout. Towards the middle of my second trimester I added a dance cardio workout that was easy to modify for pregnancy. For the rest of my pregnancy I alternated my prenatal pilates with the dance cardio workout five to seven times per week. I even got in a cardio workout the day I went into labor.
The results of exercising throughout my entire pregnancy has already proved to be fantastic. I gained less weight. Within the first week my uterus was already beginning to shrink back into my pelvis. My energy has been great. By a week and a half some of my pre-pregnancy jeans fit! My body looks slim aside from a small bulge in my lower abdomen. I am required to take a four week break from my exercise routine (aside from walking and basic daily activity). I am already seeing the positive results of committing to exercise during my pregnancy.