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Preparation and Stocking Up—From a Single Parent’s Point of View

In my years as a single parent, there are a few strategies that I have found quite beneficial—not only do they make my life a little easier, but they give me peace of mind and just make good sense. Wherever possible, I try to make sure that I do not run out of important things. This can be challenging when a person has limited storage space (I live in a townhouse and do not have a pantry, garage, or abundant storage) and when a single parent leads a busy, active life.

If there was ever anyone who needed to be prepared for the unexpected, it is a single parent. We need to have the cupboards full, a bit of savings, and stock up for whatever challenges may come our way. This all sounds really great and reasonable on paper or in conversation—but making time and finding the money to actually do it are another matter altogether.

Instead of trying to stock up on everything—determine what are the most important items in your home or the things that you would really be hurting if you ran out. Perhaps things like nonperishable items, pet food, shampoo, soap, etc. are the most reasonable things to stock up on. I used to like to keep cases of motor oil and car supplies in my garage as well (when I owned a car) so that I had whatever I might need and didn’t have to take time to run off to the mechanic. I also find that first aid supplies, cold medicine, pain medications, etc. are important items to NOT run out of. There is nothing worse than having to head out to the pharmacy when one needs to be sick in bed with a bad cold.

Look at your family and your world and try to approach preparation and stocking up methodically. Take a little bit at a time and prioritize what it is that will give you security and peace of mind and what you can afford to stock away for the future.

See Also: The Be Prepared Blog