If you have ever been a teacher or spoken in church, you realize the importance of preparation. Ideally this should happen several days before your lesson, or at least the day before. Here are the top ten signs that you may be suffering from a severe case of preparation procrastination.
10) You ask your children to be quiet and have your spouse drive to church as look over your notes to pull everything together. You took the notes that morning while eating breakfast.
9) You spend your time in Sacrament meeting coloring and cutting out the handouts for this week’s lesson. You have so many to get done that you enlist the help of your ten year old, eight year old and six year old. You even let your two year old color a few of the pictures for you.
8) You have two spiritual experiences that you can relate to nearly every gospel topic. You know that you have been using them too much when you start the story and the members of your class take turns finishing it up for you.
7) You are always tired on Sundays because you stayed up late the night before preparing your lesson. Of course you didn’t start preparing your lesson until you would have normally gone to bed.
6) You justify your late preparation by saying that being poorly prepared allows you to more easily adjust the lesson in the direction that the spirit takes you.
5) You wake up in the morning and spend several minutes on your knees begging for insight into your topic. You hope that the insight will come quickly as you scan your lesson for the first time.
4) You never have a display or handouts or pictures to accompany your lesson. These personal touches are always forgotten in your rush out the door.
3) You are often surprised when they announce that you will be teaching this week’s lesson. You have mastered the skill of asking the class to share their thoughts on your assigned topic.
2) You spend your time in Sunday school frantically reading the Priesthood manual for the lesson the next hour. You start by skimming the topic headings and then randomly star the quotes you will talk about.
1) You are late to church because you couldn’t find your scriptures or your lesson manual. After looking for forty-five minutes, you decide that you will borrow what you need from the library. If all else fails you can just sings songs in your Primary class.
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