In a previous blog I encouraged you to take advantage of fall’s cooler temperatures to exercise outdoors. After all, there is nothing more invigorating than taking a bike ride or a simple stroll on a crisp autumn day. However, similar to working out in summer’s stifling heat, exercising in fall’s brisk conditions takes some planning.
For example, during fall it gets darker earlier in the evening and stays darker later in the morning, so it pays to plan accordingly. If you are walking or running outdoors before the sun rises or after the sun goes down consider wearing a reflective vest and carrying a flashlight. If you are cycling, affix a light to your helmet or bike. Another option is to run on at a local school track or on trails at an area park to avoid vehicles after dark.
In addiiton, when exercising outside in the upcoming months you’ll want to dress apporiately. Layer your clothing and wear all-weather gear. Layering is a good idea because prior to breaking a sweat you may feel chilly and can benefit from a few etxra layers, but once you’re midway through your workout and your blood is pumping you’ll likely feel overdressed and want to shed a few layers.
As for wearing all-weather gear, I would recommend clothing that helps wick sweat away from your body. “DriFit” fabric is designed to wick moisture away from your skin so you’re not exercising with wet fabric clinging to your body. When running during fall and winter I typically wear three layers of clothing. My first or inner layer is a shirt made of “DriFit” fabric. My second layer is a fleece or warmth layer, and the third layer is a protective layer such as a windbreaker or rain slicker, depending on the weather. If it’s not unusually windy or wet I’ll skip the third layer.
Finally, don’t forget your sunglasses. Not only will a good pair of shades provide UV protrection for your eyes, but fall’s sun can be blinding at certain times of the day and sunglasses will help you see objects better.
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