Preschoolers are still learning socialization skills. They have a big world in front of them with a lot of rules and etiquette to employ. It can be confusing for little ones as they are just emerging from their egocentric personalities to understand that their actions affect others. However, they are still primarily concerned with their own wants and needs. A pair or roomful of preschoolers who are exploring their own ideas and want what they want can result in conflicts. Conflicts can end in tears and even hitting. It is imperative that preschoolers are taught from this early age how to handle conflicts.
When a conflict happens, and it will, separate the children or take the object that is causing the problem. Tell the children they need to calm down before you can help them resolve the issue. Ask each child what happened and allow them the time to respond. Then ask the children to confirm what happened. For instance, if one child says the other took the toy from his hand, ask the child if he did indeed take the toy. See if you can get the children to agree on what happened. Once you have an idea of what happened and they are in agreement, ask the children what they think they should do. There is a good chance that they will come up with the right solution. Repeat back the solutions given by the children so there is perfect understanding of the resolution. If the children have difficulty coming up with a resolution then suggest one. Offer reason as to why your solution fits the issue. The goal is to get the children to think through the problem to get to the solution. The process will also reinforce problem solving for the next conflict. The process may take time so be patient and consistent.