I love the preschool years because everything is colorful and creative. I have found so many uses for Foot Loops for preschool lessons that I could write a series on the subject. Recently, I had a reader of my personal blog send me the cutest craft idea that involved cereal and math. Of course that got my attention. I already use colored O-cereal as math manipulatives so this would fit in just fine. This is a fun way to encourage math skills in little ones.
Foot Loop Abacus
What You Need:
Small, sturdy shoe box
O-shaped cereal in assorted colors
Floral cloth wire (8 gauge) cut to fit the width of the box
Wire cutter
Hot glue gun
Craft glue, wrapping paper, plain paper, and markers or paint to decorate the outside of the box (all optional)
What You Do:
Carefully lift the sealed side edges of the shoe box, creating a flap under which you can tuck the floral cloth wire ends so that they are not visible.
Bend the tip of the wire at approximately 1” from the top.
Have your child string ten pieces of cereal onto it, counting out loud as she goes.
Bend the other end of the cloth wire so that both sides tuck underneath the unsealed edge of the box.
Tape the 1” ends of wire to the sides of the box, making sure that the rows are evenly spaced and parallel.
Repeat steps 2–5 until you have five rows of cereal strung on wire (or more, if you are using a larger box).
Use a hot glue gun to seal both flaps down over the floral wire. Hold the flaps down until the glue sets.
Perhaps your child can glue decorated paper or colorful wrapping paper onto the top and sides of the box.