I have had the pleasure of being introduced to Peaceable Kingdom with Hoot Owl Hoot, a cooperative game for young children. Since I have played Count your Chickens and was likewise impressed with the fun and learning the game provided. You can imagine the anticipation to play Lost Puppies! Lost Puppies is another cooperative game made by Peaceable Kingdom. Cooperative games are a wonderful way to teach your children to work together as a family or friends. Cooperation and teamwork are important to teach at a young age. Since young children need tangible ways to learn such concepts a cooperative game is the perfect means to put the lesson into action.
How to Play Lost Puppies:
The object of the game is to find and bring home all of the lost puppies before night falls. Be careful, the road is blocked and night is falling! To start the game, mix all the cards and place them face down on the spaces and homes on the board. Players take turns turning over cards one at a time to find the puppies and open a path home. If a night card (card with a star on it) is turned up, place it on the space on the board with the corresponding number. If a flashlight light or take-a-peek card is turned up, take it off the board to be used at a later time. Flashlight cards remove night cards and open the path! Take-a-peek cards allow players to peek under a night card. Strategy is key to this game, but a little bit of luck never hurts! Includes 3 instruction versions for a variety of play levels.
Learning Skills:
Problem solving
Linear thinking
Following directions
Social development
My Thoughts:
Of the games I mentioned I found Lost Puppies to encourage the most strategic thinking. It seems to require more team discussion and problem solving to win the game. There are only so many flashlights which are crucial to getting the puppies home so if you use them incorrectly or too soon you may not get the puppies home. My daughter wanted to use the flashlights quickly and leave us with only Take-a-Peek cards which do not clear the path for the puppies. She learned quite a bit about teamwork, strategy, and critical thinking all while wanting to play the game over and over again all afternoon.
Things I love about Peaceable Kingdom Cooperative Games:
The games encourage a quiet, fun, and thinking afternoon of play.
The games are adorable in theme, concept, and illustrations.
The games beg to be played over and over again which is great because they are truly educational on the level of building a person.