Summer is almost over and it’s time to begin a new school year. For many this will be the start of a brand new world. Some children who never entered a classroom will walk into preschool for the first time. It will be the first time some children are away from their parents for any length of time. The first time a child may be expected to sit and listen. The first time a child will be introduced to lessons and classmates on a regular basis. It is a very exciting world yet it can be overwhelming and intimidating for mini students. It will also be an adjustment for mom and possibly much harder on her than her child.
Alleviating Preschool Jitters
Do not express mom jitters to your child: It is perfectly normal for a mom to be nervous for her child on the cusp of beginning a new adventure. It is also perfectly normal for a mom to be jittery over the change in lifestyle when going from a toddler to a preschooler who is without her a few hours or so a day. However, if mom expresses anxiety the child will become anxious. The child will not have the understanding that mom misses her or is just being a mom. The child will interpret mom’s anxiety as fear and thus become fearful herself.
Take a field trip to the classroom: The unknown is scary. Lift the veil and take a trip the preschool your child will be attending. Try to set up an appointment with the teacher so your child can get comfortable with the setting as a whole. If your child seems especially nervous ask if you can visit once more before the start of school. Sometimes just becoming familiar with an unknown environment will alleviate a lot of anxiety. Discovering the unknown and becoming comfortable with the setting will also help mom.
Reassure that you are coming back: Outline the day for your child so she knows what to expect. For instance tell the child, “We will wake up in the morning. Mommy will get your breakfast then we will go to school. You will spend some time at school having fun, learning and listening to your teacher. Then I will pick you up.” Emphasize that you will return. If you know the routine of the classroom you may also want to introduce that to your child. For instance, if you know that a particular activity comes before the end of the day you can say, “I will come for you right after recess.”
It is normal for your child to have anxiety and resist going to preschool for a few days to a few weeks. It is also normal for a child to go through times of resistance even after she has adjusted. Remain consistent and in the know and everything will be fine.