Are you looking for crafts to do with your preschooler this weekend? How about a Valentine’s Day nature craft? Love is certainly in the air … and growing in the ground, and…ok, forgive the puns and on with the crafts!
Clay is always lovely for preschoolers to work with. It encourages the development of small muscles in the hands, and it’s just plain creative too. Make a pair of love birds out of clay or use heart-shaped cookie cutters to make clay pendants.
Make a Valentine’s Day wreath! If you are in a place that has coniferous trees, these are perfect for wreaths. Gather boughs with your preschooler. Bend a coat hanger into a circle and weave the boughs around the circle. Add cut-paper hearts to make a special wreath for Valentine’s Day.
Decorate a clay pot in Valentine’s Day colors. Add the words “love grows” on the pot. You may need to write this part. Plant a radish seed or a flower like a primula in the pot.
Get a piece of white paper and go to the store and get some old flowers at the end of the day at a discount. Choose colorful petals. Your child can squish the flowers in her fingers and “paint” on the paper using the petals.
Dry the flower petals slowly in a warm place. Put them into little cloth bags for potpourri. You can also crumble flower petals and use them in a freeform Valentine’s Day creation.
Go on a nature walk and bring a digital camera, preferably an old one. Give your child the camera and have him take pictures of all of the beloved things that he sees. Go home and print the photos and make an “I love” photo collage!
Do you have any nature craft ideas that are suitable for Valentine’s Day?