As you search your family’s records, journals and possessions for genealogy information you may find beautiful things created or written by your family members. It is especially important to preserve and share these things with your family. There may be different ways that you can share these things with your family.
Writing is the easiest thing to share. You can compile a book of the letters or poetry that was written by your ancestors. My aunt gave my father a framed copy of a poem that his father wrote. This has always been a special thing to my father and it still has a place of honor in the living room. You may consider doing something similar with a poem.
If it is artwork, it can be more difficult to share and still maintain the quality of the work. A high quality color photocopy may work or you may choose to take a photo of the artwork and enlarge it. Additionally if it is very old you may want to talk to an expert about the best way to preserve it.
Quilts and other handiwork are often found and passed down. This is another item that is difficult to share. The best choice is to divided the items between family members. If there are several quilts you can photograph them and include them in the family history. The patterns and work that go into quilts make them a memory worth preserving.
Woodwork can be another thing to be passed down from family member to family member. My grandfather was a carpenter and made a beautiful rocking horse that is still in excellent condition. This is an item I hold dear to my heart and I’m glad that it is still there for people to enjoy. There is also a wonderful handmade cradle that he made for his grandchildren.
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