Let’s face it. We’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve had to receive hand-outs. At least, we perceived them as hand-outs—chances are, they were lovingly given offerings of help. But it’s hard to accept them in the same spirit sometimes. We want to be self-sufficient, and when we fall on hard times, it can be difficult to accept help without feeling bad about it.
There is a certain amount of self-esteem that comes with providing for yourself, but there are times when it can cross a line and become pride, which is hurtful to you and your family. If someone in your household is suffering because they need something you are unable to provide, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help to get that item. Medication, food, clothing, warmth—these are all things that are necessary for health and even survival, and we shouldn’t feel ashamed to seek assistance when these things are lacking. Often, our neighbors are eager to help, and they would love to do something kind for you to show you their appreciation for your friendship over the years.
We are living in a tough time. Unemployment is through the roof, and it’s hard to know when that will change. Some of us are blessed with enough income and to spare, while others are struggling to meet their basic needs. If those with enough will share with those who are struggling, and if those who are struggling will understand that there is no shame in accepting help, think of how much good we could do for each other. And no, I’m not speaking of a government-subsidized welfare plan, which really has very little to do with the genuine emotion of charity—I’m speaking of men and women reaching out to their friends and neighbors and from the kindness of their hearts, giving what they can, and feeling the joy that comes from service. There truly is no better feeling than knowing you’ve done what you can to touch someone else’s life. And if we’re too stubborn to accept service when it’s offered, we’re denying someone else those feelings of joy … so we should come to a place of understanding and turn away from feelings of shame because of our situation. When we’re able, we’ll turn and bless someone else. It will all come back around.
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