The Primary theme for this month is “I will follow the prophet.” The scripture for the month is Amos 3:7. It reads: “Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants, the prophets.” The song for this month is “We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet.” You can use this song during your singing time in family home evening. This is a nice song to teach your children, since they may have the opportunity to sing it in Sacrament meeting.
The theme is divided into four basic principles. The first principle is that the prophet has the priesthood keys and authority from Christ to direct the church. The second principle is that the prophet teaches us to love and forgive others. The third principle is that the prophet teaches us to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. The fourth principle is that the prophet teaches what we must do to learn to live with God again.
This is a great theme to teach in conjunction with General Conference. You may want to take the time to explain to your children that we now have a new prophet. They should sustain the prophet for the first time at General Conference. You may want to explain this procedure to your children before it happens. You may also want to have your children watch the Saturday sessions so that they can watch and participate in this historic occasion.
The Friend has a great sharing time section that talks about President Monson. You may also want to use the coloring page. This may be a good way to have your children listen during conference. Additionally you can talk about the different prophets in the scriptures and what happened when people chose to listen or not to listen to them.
Related Articles:
Family Home Evening: Modern Day Prophets
General Conference: “Prophets in the Land”