The Sharing Time theme for August is “My Faith in Jesus Christ grows when I listen to the Holy Ghost.” The scripture is Doctrine and Covenants 42:17: “For, behold, the Comforter knoweth all things, and beareth record of the Father and the Son.” The song for the month is “Listen, Listen” p 107 Children’s Songbook.
The theme is broken into four major points. The first is that the Holy Ghost bears witness to you as you gain your testimony. The second talks about living worthy to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost. The third teaches the children to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The fourth talks about how the Holy Ghost can help each of the children.
The Friend offers some ideas for teaching the theme in your home. There is also an activity that involves looking up scriptures and making a picture of the quilt. Several of the articles involve experiences from the Holy Ghost. You might also want your children to complete the coloring page.
As a family you can share experiences of times when the Holy Ghost prompted you. You may share experiences when the Holy Ghost comforted you, as well. As you share your testimony and feel the Holy Ghost, point it out to your children so that they can begin to recognize it. If you have dinner discussions with your family each night, you may want to take the time to share any spiritual moments that involve the Holy Ghost with your children. You can practice the song during your family home evenings as well.
This is an important concept for the children to grasp. As they learn to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost they will better be able to make decisions. You can spend time talking about the right way to make decisions. You may want to share Oliver Cowdery’s experience as documented in Doctrine and Covenants 8 and 9.