The Sharing Time theme for December is “Jesus Christ once lived on earth and I have the faith that He will again.” The scripture for the month is Acts 1:11 “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” There is not a specific song associated with the month, although the sharing times do have the children sing Christmas songs and songs about Jesus’ life.
The theme is divided into four principles. The first principle focuses on prophets foretelling of the Savior coming to earth. The second principle focuses on Christ’s birth. The third principle teaches of the joy that we each can have as a result of the Savior’s life. The fourth principle teaches about the Second Coming and that we each need to be spiritually prepared.
The December “Friend” has some great ideas on how to incorporate the theme into your family home evening lessons. The Sharing Time section talks specifically about the symbolism of five different Christmas ornaments and how they relate to Christ. There is also a great coloring page that your children can complete. Additionally the “Friend” is full of great Christmas stories and activities for your family to do throughout the month. The stories focus on gratitude and helping others.
The theme works well with Christmas, but I also like the fact that it extends beyond just the Savior’s birth and looks at the reasons that His life and role were so important. As we celebrate his birth, it is important to remember the wonderful gift of the Atonement, which allows us to return to our Heavenly Father again. You may want to spend some time with your children talking about this blessing and celebration as well. Enjoy the holidays!
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