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Primary Time: January Theme “Be Not Afraid”

The sharing time theme for January is “Be Not Afraid.” The theme is based on a Greg Olson painting of Christ holding a small child next to a river. You can find a copy of the picture in this month’s “The Friend.” The scripture for the month is Alma 32:21. The children are encouraged to memorize the scripture, so you may want to work with your children on memorizing it this month.

The focus of the theme is that because we have faith in Jesus Christ we have no reason to fear. You may want to plant seeds as a family and talk about how faith will grow as we nourish it, just a seed will grow into a plant as we nourish it. You can have a family home evening based on the principle of faith. You may want to read from Alma 32 together as a family. You can also talk about stories from the New Testament that demonstrate faith (Peter walking on water, the woman being healed by touching Jesus’ coat and so on).

You may want to spend time talking about times when you have had to act based on faith. One sharing time lesson may focus on the faith Joseph Smith had when he went to the grove to pray. You may also want to share your testimony about the importance of believing and building your faith on a regular basis. You can talk about the things that you do that help to build your faith, such as reading the scriptures, praying and attending church.

The song for this month is “I’ll Follow Him in Faith,” which was published in January 2003 “The Friend.” You may want to spend time with your children learning and singing this song. It really helps the children to practice the songs at home during the week. This reinforces things for the Sacrament program.

Related Articles:

Primary Time: Primary Theme for 2007

Primary Time: Teaching Primary

Primary Time: Sharing Times at Home